Provide freelance work remotely or in person
EDuGIGS mission is to connects freelance college students to local and worldwide customers. Students create their own schedules and, determine their own pay.
EDuGIGS offers freelancers an opportunity to make money remotely or in person.
College students create their on jobs, set the pricing for their freelance services, and create their own schedules. No matter where customers are, what service customers need, or which deadline and budget their working with, EDuGIGS has the right freelancer college student to get the job done, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Earning extra income as a college has never been easier.
Find the best freelancers for your jobs.
GIGsPLUS mission is to connects freelance college students to local and worldwide customers.
GIGsPLUS offers a world of creative freelancers. On-demand quality work, right at the customer's fingertips.
The GIGsPLUS app gives individuals the opportunity to hire from a wide range of freelance services whether it's remote or in person.
Become a partner
Simple, rewarding, collaborative: the benefits of joining the EDuGIGS | GIGsPLUS family of partners. Let's harnessing the opportunities of apps/technology world together.